
fredag 17 januari 2014

Bookcircle - Wordfinder

This week I was the wordfinder and I made a game where you got points for every word you could explain and translate. The words where maybe a bit hard cause everybody had trouble with explaining them and sometimes even translating them. But even so, the meaning is to find hard words so people can learn something new.
The words and expressions:
Smallpox - Smittkoppor
Hemorrhagic smallpox - Hemorragiska smittkoppor
Beowulf - Beowulf, mytisk hjälte
Inoculated - Inokulerades
Scab - Sårskorpa
Ulcer - Magsår
Plagiarism - Plagiering/Plagiat
The Herculean task of - Uttryck i stilen med "det massiva uppdraget"

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